Style Guidelines Style Guidelines

IAIG’s tagline

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Our tagline is Protecting integrity and building trust.

This says what we do and hope to achieve through our work in a tangible way. Ultimately, our vision is to consolidate all of our efforts around this tagline around Integrity at UNOPS.

This tagline aligns squarely with our charter and our vision for the future.

The default tagline version

Color variations

The tagline is available in three color variations:

  • Positive: A full-color version for use over light backgrounds
  • Grayscale: A black-and-white version for use over light backgrounds.
  • Reverse: A version for use over dark backgrounds.
  • The positive color version of the tagline
  • The grayscale color version of the tagline
  • The reverse color version of the tagline

Like the logo, the IAIG tagline is designed to be used over solid-color backgrounds (preferably in IAIG colors). Do not place the tagline over images, patterns, or other busy backgrounds.

In compliance with WCAG 2.0 Accessibility guidelines, the tagline and its background should always have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1. You can check the contrast ratio using WebAIM’s Contrast Checker tool.